Monday, July 26, 2010


The beginning...that's what this is, this is my beginning this is how I am starting my attempt at being a writer.

There is so much that I can say, so many thoughts that fly through our minds and yet never do we stop and sit and just write them out. The average human life is such a complex and interesting thing. Being a people watcher I love to just sit and watch people their interactions, their reactions, their posture, trying in some vain way to piece together the person they are. You see a person with an angry scowl and you think he is angry and yet we have no clue what thoughts are going through his head, what made him angry, what is causing him to hold on to this anger.

I do not plan on advertising this, I am merely throwing this out into cyber space and seeing how it progresses. I want to try in some way to describe this life I am living, I don't not think it will amount to much but wasted cyber space. But possible I or someone else will stubble across this later on and possibly it will bring a smile to their face.

I do not think my life is anything interesting or odd, in fact my life is probably the most ordinary, mundane, and boring life you will come across. But for no other reason than this compelling urge to write out this pitiful existence of mine I write this biography now.